Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Week of School

Congratulations to all my fellow teachers, we made it through the first week of school! I know I said in my last post that this was going to be a great year, and I’m going to say it again, I know this will be a fabulous year. I have a wonderful new partner and we are on the same page! Whew! Also, after spending a week with my little hoodlums, actually they are very sweet kids; this year should be better. I know there will be some challenges but I feel that my two classes are a better mixture of students than last year. I don’t mean that my students last year weren’t good kids; what I mean is I feel that more thought went into the grouping of my classes this year than last year. And if you have a mixture of kids who just can’t get along, then you have a recipe for disaster!

So on the first day of school I gave each of my students an assignment to write a paragraph answering questions about me based on their first impression of me. I love this activity because it’s really fun to see what they think of me! Here are some excerpts from my students. I have corrected all grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, but the responses are from 4th graders.

Reagan: “I think my teacher is really nice because of her big smile”

Pablo: “I think my teacher is 35 or 37 because of how tall she is”

Bianca: “I think my teacher is 30 because my parents are 35 and they look young too”

Gillian: “I think my teacher’s favorite food is meatloaf with mashed potatoes and extra gravy”

Jake: “My teacher’s favorite food is salad, because she’s skinny”

Trent: “I think my teacher is married because her name has an “S” on the Mr.”

Cameron: “I think my teacher is married because there is a picture of her with some guy”

Joshua: “My teacher’s pet peeves are open closet doors”

Sandy: “My teacher’s pet peeves are kids talking when she is talking”

Itzel: “My teacher likes to shop at walmart because she likes to save money like my mom”


Juan: “I think my teacher likes to shop at Victoria’s Secret!”

Oh kids say the darndest things! Happy school year teachers!


Lindsee said...

My very favorite thing about student teaching was when I would either receive or hear some crazy stuff head. It was a blast! And these were NO exception. Absolutely hilarious! It sure sounds like you're going to have a great year!

Lindsee said...

*Excuse the "head" in that first sentence. I have no idea why or how that got there.

Sarah said...

haha. those are really funny!