Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Hodgepodge

- I am LOVING being a stay-at-home Mommy this summer. I get to play, snuggle and have “conversations” with my sweet Aubrey all day!
- I love a clean house. I love the smell of household cleaners, they just make the house smell so fresh and clean and I love it. So I’ve done a lot of cleaning so far this summer and it feels good to be sitting in a clean living room.
- Earlier this week I took defensive driving online. Yep, I broke the law and the law won (singing the song made me feel better while taking the course).
- I have a mental list of summer projects to complete. I’m hoping I can complete some of them. I’m choosing not to list them because I don’t want to feel like a failure when I don’t finish all of them. But I am underway to completing a few :)
- I love being productive, it makes me feel good. I've been pretty productive so far this summer and if I continue at this pace I think I can really get a lot done. Fingers crossed.
- I’ve been walking/running in the mornings while it’s not as hot. But, lets face it it’s still about 100 degrees out even at 7am. I'm trying to get back in shape after having Aubrey. Even though I've lost most of my baby weight it's amazing how out of shape I am. I like the way I feel after a good workout, however I HATE working out. I don't know if it was all those years as a gymnast that I just don't enjoy it anymore or if I miss getting screamed at to do better crunches. Truth be told I am one of those crazy people that responds to a coach yelling in my face while working out. For some reason it motivates me to show what I'm made of. So I'm trying to do it on my own without the yelling and lets face it, it's hard! Especially when pushing a stroller while the wind is against you. It seems like no matter which direction I'm going the wind is always pushing against me. Thanks God for the extra resistance, I need it. But, I am getting some results. I've got to keep reminding myself it's baby steps. The other day while on my run with Aubrey I was startled when this guy mooed at me. Yes, that is a cow about 50 feet from me. I really didn’t know she was there until she mooed. And she was kind enough to pose for a quick pic.

- Aubrey has been working hard on her rolling. She can now roll from her back to her front and from her front to her back. A full rolling cycle. But even though she can do it, she doesn’t do it all the time. Here is a clip of her rolling, ignore the high-pitched shrills coming from her parents in the background.

And another rolling clip...

- Aubrey has gotten even more talkative the past few days. I have a feeling once she is able to say real words nobody around her will be able to get a word in. I think her new nickname would have to be Chatty Cathy. For real, the girl just “talks” your ear off and I love it. Here is a brief clip of her “talking”, when this was taken she had been going on for over 30 minutes.

And that my friends is the Thursday Hodgepodge.

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