Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easter 2011/ 3 Months!

I was late getting Aubrey’s 2 month update posted and now I’m late on my Easter and 3 month update. Oh the life of a working mommy.

Let’s start with Aubrey’s first Easter. We had a great time celebrating this exciting first. We began by spending Saturday evening with my parents, my brother and his family and my little sister and her fiancé. We had a great time just hanging out by the pool and eating great food. Easter Sunday, we woke up early and headed out to the Woodlands to spend the day with Rob’s Mom and Grandmother. We went to church then had brunch at the Woodlands Country Club. The food was delicious as always and I ate WAY TO MUCH! It is so fun to celebrate all of Aubrey’s firsts, but I really can’t wait till next year when she can actually participate in all the fun. So this year she received her Easter baskets and eggs and next year she will be hunting those eggs!

The week after Easter Aubrey had her 3 month birthday (on May 6)! Oh my goodness, my baby is getting so big! I know I say this all the time, but I really can’t believe how much she has changed from our first meeting on February 6.

Miss Aubrey,

You have brought so much joy and happiness to your Mommy and Daddy’s lives. Even though our lives have changed drastically since your birth we would not change a thing. In fact I feel like you have been a part of our family all along and I cannot image going a day without seeing your sweet smiling face.

This month, you have become even more vocal and “talkative.” So much so, that you had a “conversation” with Mommy for 20 minutes this evening. Your little personality is beginning to really come out and you find a lot of Mommy and Daddy’s silly faces, and antics funny. Every night you giggle so much, it is the cutest thing.

Just like last month, you really love to sit up and look at everything. Your bumbo chair and your boppy pillow allow you to sit and take in all the sights. You really don’t like to miss a thing. You are getting stronger every month. You have recently started trying to sit up when you are reclined. You flex your stomach muscles and pull your head up almost to where you are sitting upright. You have also gained more eye-hand coordination. You have started to hold your bottle when we feed you and you will even put your pacifier back in your mouth when it starts to fall out. You haven’t rolled over yet but you are getting really good at arching and pushing up.

Daddy had to return to work a week earlier than expected so we had to rearrange your daycare arrangements. You were shuffled between family members and friends for two weeks, Mommy thought this might be hard on you but you were not phased at all. You stuck to your schedule and had so much fun. Aubrey, you are such a good girl and all of your babysitters this month said you were a delight to take care of.

Sweet girl, Mommy and Daddy love you so much. You have such a sweet, calm and quiet personality and we so thankful for you.

Trying to sit up!

My first Easter April 24, 2011

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